February 24th, 2022

Employee Spotlight: Meet Katie, Payroll Services Consultant

Working in the world of human resources, we know the most important asset in business is people. That’s why we’re sharing more about our amazing team members and how they make Obsidian HR such a great place to work—and how they take care of our clients! 

Meet Katie

Katie is a Payroll Services Consultant at Obsidian HR. But she’s much more than that. Katie is quite the traveler. She has dual citizenship in the U.S. and Netherlands and lived in four different states in 2021! So it’s not surprising that if she won the lottery, she’d buy a place in as many countries as she could. 

Though Obsidian HR is located in Denver, Colorado, Katie currently lives in Bentonville, Arkansas. Katie joined Obsidian HR almost from the beginning. Previously she worked for Obsidian HR’s parent company—ProService, Hawaii—from 2016 to 2019. When she moved to the mainland she found the opportunity to join our team. And we’re glad that she did! 

Katie’s background is actually in the outdoor industry, with a degree in parks and recreation. You might be wondering how she ended up in human resources. Working at an outdoor sporting goods store, an opportunity for a full-time position opened up to work in their HR department. And Katie has been in our industry since. 

Katie’s Role at Obsidian HR

If you’re a client, you may have had a conversation or two with Katie at some point. She is often answering emails and calls from our partners and their employees. After all, everyone wants to make sure they get their paycheck! 

Thankfully, Katie is a pro at running payroll on time and accurately. She understands people have bills and getting their paycheck when they need it and in the correct amount is critical. One thing she shares about her role that people may not know, is that payroll is an ongoing process. Most think that payroll is run weekly or biweekly and that’s it. But it’s a busy job. Payroll submissions, bonuses, terminations, and other employee changes make for a constant stream of work for Katie. 

Even though she’s busy, Katie likes the empowerment that she gets from her role at Obsidian HR. She loves that no one is micromanaging her and she’s trusted to do her job—and she does it well. 

How Katie Describes the Obsidian HR Culture

Katie’s first word to describe the Obsidian HR culture is fun. She notes that everyone always says that about their company, but it’s true. But she also wants others to know that our team is super caring. After going through some challenging times last year, she recognized that everyone on her team was there to support her. And this is extended to our clients too. 

She loves that Obsidian HR team members take pride in each other’s success, but also the success of our clients. She finds it very rewarding to watch a client succeed and grow. Katie is certainly a special team member, and we are so glad to have her. 

We’re looking for more employees like Katie! If you’re interested in joining our team, learn more about us and check out our careers page